
Showing posts with the label Dirty Hippies

The 1st Thread/Yesterday's Leftovers For 9/28/10: Shut Up And Appreciate Our Awesomeness

The current "Shut up Liberal" messenger of our times did it again yesterday. Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy Once again, Duncan Black's latest succinctly keen observation is timely : A frustrating thing is that the administration doesn't say, "we'd like to do this but we got the best we can do," instead they say "what we did was awesome." "Grateful and truly humble the nation's liberal base should be to this Administration, for we are the greatest Administration ever. And the fact that you can't fully acknowledge our brilliance is really shameful." That is the thought process right now emulating from this Administration to the people they know full well are privy to never wanting to vote Republican. And it is once again misguided. Even more frustrating is how they rush to claim the word "progressive" for their legislative accomplishments despite being (and advoca

If You're A Pacifist, You Are A Terrorist

(You are currently looking at the faces of terrorism.) In this opposite world we continue to morph into, this report from the Washington Post certainly represents the absurd times we live in. In the agency that spawned J. Edgar Hoover has considered peace loving people, animal rights activists, and those dangerous Taliban like tree huggers a moral threat to our society . The FBI improperly opened and extended investigations of some U.S. activist groups and put members of an environmental advocacy organization on a terrorist watch list, even though they were planning nonviolent civil disobedience, the Justice Department said Monday. Just a simple return to the 1960 tactics of Mr. Hoover of spying on harmless, society loving groups will do to quiet these annoying pacifists from our important illegal waring. It truly is remarkable how 9/11 has been used for powerful destructive forces to embellish their power on the weak. What makes it even more appalling to witness is how their he

Awwwww, We Hurt His Feelings

It takes a very, VERY special situation for anyone rational to link to a National Review article . The following is one of those situations. And making it even more special is the fact that it comes at the last paragraph. And the politics of the issue are pretty rough. “This has really reached an unhealthy stage,” Stupak says. “People are threatening ethics complaints on me. On the left, they’re really stepping it up. Every day, from Rachel Maddow to the Daily Kos, it keeps coming. Does it bother me? Sure. Does it change my position? No.” HAHAHAHAHAHA. Those damn mean old lefty hippies have done it again. Those hippies who help exposed a lying non-rent paying religious nutcase for the fool that he is. Why must they she full light on this fraud of an individual? Because when people like this think they can get away with being the center of attention and impose their childish, selfish, and irrational views, and figure they can be slick about it for their own benefits, they des