Deep: Helen Thomas Asked The Deepest Question Yesterday Again.....And No Cared
Thanks to truthseeker for this
Glen Greenwald has the details (6-24-09):Helen Thomas is a person we are going to sorely miss when she leaves. No one, not even on the blogosphere/rational online network talks about her like they should.
For the last question at his press conference yesterday, Obama was asked by CNN's Suzanne Malveaux about his reaction to that video and to reports that Iranians are refraining from protesting due to fear of such violence. As Obama was answering -- attesting to how "heartbreaking" he found the video; how "anybody who sees it knows that there's something fundamentally unjust" about the violence; and paying homage to "certain international norms of freedom of speech, freedom of expression" -- Helen Thomas, who hadn't been called on, interrupted to ask Obama to reconcile those statements about the Iranian images with his efforts at home to suppress America's own torture photos ("Then why won't you allow the photos --").
The President quickly cut her off with these remarks:
THE PRESIDENT: Hold on a second, Helen. That's a different question. (Laughter.)
The White House Press corps loves to laugh condescendingly at Helen Thomas because, tenaciously insisting that our sermons to others be applied to our own Government, she acts like a real reporter...
And it's a sad thing indeed.
And Obama knows not to call on her. Because he wouldn't even be able to answer her astute question, as well as this: He wouldn't be able to held it, as evidenced.