The Democratic Primary Story #1 For 3/9/16: Look At All That Bernie Hate
It was a lot of hilarious, humbled Hillary supporters or straight anti-Bernie people really expressing their loathing of Michigan voters giving a remarkable win to Bernie Sanders last night. May you take a look at the best of them, here (click to enlarge):
Oh look, a Sandusky reference! First I have seen of that one:
The media who barely shows him doesn't call him out on his lies! Those socialist lies!
Muting when losing is therapy for some.
Professional Hack economist who writes many professional hack pieces expresses his usual passive aggressive hack snark.
Oh look, it's the #MississippiBerning hashtag, that was started by a comedian.........back in summer 2015.
Michael Moore changed his name to Michael Flint, who knew???
And the best of them all, that Bernie spent $82 million, $82 million, in Michigan!
Bonus: Though this one wasn't last night, it showed how left-center hacks like Matthew Yglesias have spiraled into the mess they have become.
Hence Yglesias becoming one of the rare political people to get the Jordan cryface.
More to come at The Whole Delivery, stay tune.