Yesterday Leftovers For 6/9/10: Brave Anonymous Sources, The New Super Power

I swear, being anonymous is like the superpower that is realistic enough that we can all have as human beings. You can't fly, and you can't look between walls, lift buildings, or run super fast (unless you're Usain Bolt). So the power of keeping your presence kept a secret is indeed one that anyone can posses and milk to its full satisfaction (or your full satisfaction).

And that power is certainly well used in the journalism world, particularly last night with that classless idiot White House official basically slapping unions in the face after "Ms. MemeMEME" won last night.

I sure wish "Super Soaker, play with Biden" Ambinder and Ben Smith would have reminded that courageous White House official about how they wasted money on Arlen Specter and all. But I guess the power of being anonymous was so strong, that he or she couldn't even get questions challenging their asinine statements.


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