I Wish These Sources Revealed Themselves (Updated)

And I wish Obama would say or either say you want the Senate bill coming to the floor to have a public option or not:
"They're skeptical of opt out and are generally deferential to the Snowe strategy that involves the trigger," said one source close to negotiations between the Senate and the White House. "they're certainly not calming moderate's concerns on opt out."
It all wouldn't be the case if they just showed courage and say "If they REALLY want it or not."

It's great that you support it all, but do you really want the public option at day's end president Obama? Do you?

And these sources, again, make the well respected great outlets like TPM look as knee-jerky as the idiot ones like Politico look the same. This source said this, so we'll report it!

Knee-jerk reactions that would not be happening at all if Obama just came out and said whether he wants it or not.

Update: Marc Ambinder gets a White House official on record debunking TPM's claims about the push for Snowe's Trigger of BS:
The report is false. The White House continues to work with the Senate on the merging of the two bills," said Dan Pfeiffer, a top White House aide whose portfolio includes health care. "We are making good progress toward enacting comprehensive health reform."


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