Their Third Drug
Thanks to our sad media culture, Republicans like former Bush budget director Rob Portman continue to get away with uttering tort reform as a good ideaAfter advocating for more tax cuts for the affluent and more deregulation, the third most absurd domestic policy request Republicans and conservatives love to make is their continued belief (or just their blatant interest for just the rich) that tort reform would be the chief problem solver for America's miserable health care system.
Both Rob Portman and Linda McMahon in their respective debates for the Senate last night unsurprising went to the same sad GOP playbook again. Even more depressing, however, was the fact that no one decided to fact check them about the continued ineffectiveness of that ridiculous idea.
To reiterate for another time, "tort reform" would do not a single thing except protect the powerful from their punishable mistakes. In fact, "tort reform" has always been a serious attack on the 7th Amendment of all things, but that's another idea too enormous for the tea party nutcases to march on.
Of course, that's the major problem with debates in this country, where the moderators and the panelists never conduct a single ounce of holding candidates accountable for their blatant misinformation. Just another jargon of words to confused the already frustrated voter.
It really is disturbing how one party freely is on the side of kicking the downtrodden and haven't suffered the consequences of how dangerous their ideas are. Instead, you have people like Portman (Bush's budget director of all people!) with a supposedly comfortable lead in a prominent swing state, laughing all the way at how he can be endorsed by big stupid newspapers.
When will people learn their lessons?