Paul Broun Shows His Heartless Republican Ways

Here is another reason why we all should be in felicitation that Alan Grayson didn't apologize, nor would Nancy Pelosi forced to him to apologize.

The heartless bastardness of Paul Broun.

Watch this answer he gives to a young guy, who has gone into debt because he can't afford insurance for his major depressive disorder.

For those who can't hear, this is what happened:
In response to his constituent’s story, Broun said that “people who have depression, who have chronic diseases in this country…can always get care in this country by going to the emergency room.” That comment prompted boos from the crowd. Towards the end of Broun’s answer, a constituent yelled, “That’s why we need a public option!” which brought cheers from the audience.
Broun went on talking through, ignoring that cry and continued being a heartless bastard like he is.

This is the same bastard that said the public option would kill people.

Can't wait to see what next cold, careless thing he will say. I just can't wait.

Updated: In the comments section of (at the Daily Kos), voroki tells me (and you, if you didn't know like me) that this bastard is a doctor.

I need to see the patients of this guy, because it is one scary thought to picture this man practicing. SCARY.


Your Face said…
Your blog is less than insigtful. You are failing at your mission as stated on the right column.
sluggahjells said…
And how so would it be less than insightful.....or are you a conservative angry about something and all?

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