7/29/09: TWD's Agenda For The Day: Remember When Kanye West Said Bush "Didn't Care About Black People."

Remember when Kanye West said this almost four years ago:

West-coast viewers couldn't see what West said.....
West's comments would be cut from the West Coast feed, an NBC spokeswoman told The TV Column. (The Associated Press later reported that only his comment about the president was edited out.) The show was live on the East Coast with a several-second delay; someone with his finger on a button was keeping an ear peeled in case someone uttered an obscenity but did not realize that West had gone off-script, the spokeswoman said.
I doubt very much that they did the same for Michelle Malkin this morning for those over in the occident region (especially those with crazy record temps in the Northwest region, be safe out there guys).

And, of course, the right-wing went absolute bonkers over that candid, albeit reckless, moment from West.

You had this idiot in the Lone Star Times blame West for ginning more anti-Bush talk.

Billie-O-Liely called West comments "nutty", no surprise there.

This one called West an "outspoken liberal, uncaring hypocrite."

This site (apparently named RightWinged) called Kanye nutty.

Some guy I don't even know at Townhell pinned this one in defense of Bush
Kanye, Dig it: George Bush Care About Black People

And you can't forget Michelle Malkin herself giving her nutty view on West's comments:
Bush-bashing for money
Yeah, like West needed money back then and now. Hell, he would have, and did for some, lose money because of his comments on a national forum.

But sense doesn't exist in one Maddening Malks' head, of course.

And they still haven't forgiven West for that statement. Just this past March, National Review's center of idiots had Tim Graham take fault with West for his comments stiil because of West taking about O.J. Simpson in a positive light (which I think he was talking more about his football career).

(And for extra entertainment purposes: Even 50 Cent of all people criticized Kanye for that comment. )

You get the picture. Every right-wing nutcase (and Curtis Jackson) went to bat to yell hell and high water about West's comments.

Now, in result of Dreck's and Maddening Malkins own racist claims........

......on Obama's, I wonder where their criticism, their out-rage, their stories depicting how much President Obama isn't a racist are at the moment. I wonder if they will come at all?

Hypothetical questions should be given hypothetical answers of course, but it needs to be noted. And again, as MB points out yesterday, what if Beck was a "lefty commentator." And the same now applies to Malkin

Or what if Mr.Moulitsas, or Rachel Maddow or Ed Schutlz said something like that, right now even, on Bush? The calls for their job, suspension, or an anathema from television would ripped the rector scale so much that it would take up half the trending topics on Twitter (So You think You Can Dance, be damned). Thankfully no one, especially Keith Olbermann, came close to saying it. Pat Buchanan would make a Facebook account just because of it.

Kanye West, before his ego inflated to levels now where I just can't appreciate him anymore myself, did. I sure wish he would have said "poor people in America" instead of just "black people" though.

He would have still gotten slammed, but only by the same nutcases, only that they wouldn't have a point at all on which to lambaste him.

But if West accusation was "nutty" to that cabal, then anything less (or even more ) for Bush and Malkin herself with their comments would be world class hypocrisy at its finest.

Something that conservatives specialize in, of course. Well, these specific ones here.


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