The Epilogue: I Thought Single Payer Was The Non-Starter

Baucus is an invaluable player in the no public option crowd. The one who would rather keep people uninsured than lose their profits
Just like I thought going over a trillion on the stimulus was a non starter.

Just like picking Joseph Stiglitz or Paul Krugman for the Treasury Secretary, or in the Cabinet was a non starter.

Just like picking Howard Dean as the HHS (and by the way, he will certainly be awesome tomorrow and Wednesday night) was a non-starter.

I thought all of these things were non-starters just like single payer.

Now, a "public option" to the nutcase 40, with the lobbyists loving folks like Baucus, Conrad, Asshole Joementum and others all happy to let their buddies do what they would do, is a non-starter.

I guess if there's no public option here, then you can guess there will be non-starters to proper emissions standards for an energy bill in the Senate (where climate change denial masters reign supreme in the SOP), and a non starter to smart immigration reform.

Hell, let's not even go there on EFCA. I shudder to think what will be a non-starter to the Party of Birthers (proper certificates are also non-starters as well too).

Non-starting with the party of 13%. I guess 13% means more than 76% majority of a public option by the nation if it means having an extra Happy Hour drink on Friday and an amicable time with someone from Blue Cross along with one of Rush Limbaugh's clandestine ass kissers.

But hey, if you and me were in charge, that would certainly be a non-starter right there.

Sadly, no matter how much this website and other rational sites yell COMMON SENSE like no other to these people, and continue to aggrandize our influence from the dark incipient times of 2002, we sadly still can't have the power to dub what is a non-starter.

Like solutions that would rapidly make our country a hell of a lot better, and both consolidate and justify why "Change" was needed and talked about last year, so much.

It's a shame we just can't start with that.


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