Your Usual Fixed Propaganda Nuttiness

This hasn't been done in a while, but here is the return of your favorite comedic network's fan site.

Yeah, a Republican chart full of lies, and yet, the Democrats don't want you to see that chart. Good one.

More tea bagging, even as it has failed!!!!!! Yeaaaaaaaaah!!!!

I'm not at all a Maureen Dowd defender, but I have to defend her here with this one.

Yes, she is jealous of someone who has her clothes purchased by others. Yeah, that makes sense.

And one classic remaining for you today.

I guess Beck will call Obama racist for not showing his birth certificate today. Who cares about common sense though when you are comedians. (No offense to the Stewarts, Colberts, and Chapelles of the world.)

The return for you, the reader, of Fixed Propagnda's nuttiness.


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