The P'WNED Of The Day

And probably, the year

Just before the Senate Finance Committee wrapped up for the long weekend, members debated one of Sen. Jon Kyl's (R-AZ) amendments, which would strike language defining which benefits employers are required to cover.

Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) argued that insurers must be required to cover basic maternity care. (In several states there are no such requirements.)

"I don't need maternity care," Kyl said. "So requiring that on my insurance policy is something that I don't need and will make the policy more expensive."

Stabenow interrupted: "I think your mom probably did."
More important though is what happened to the thankfully failed
The amendment was defeated, nine to 14.
For a hissy fitter like Kyl, he sure would have looked even dumber providing us with another hissy fit after getting slapped down like he did there.


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