Their Audacity Is Legendary

It truly is amazing how the nadir of people being certified despicable nutcases can be set each and every day. Today's setter of that accomplishment is one accustomed to that task.

Those good old people at Halliburton/KBR that have taken a backseat to Blackwater/Xe as the most "evil corporation against humanity in this world" seem to want to take back their mantle.

Your WTF story of the day comes from them petitioning the Supreme Court to reverse the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals decision in ruling in favor of Jaime Leigh Jones not being protected from being horribly gang-raped like she was:
But last week, KBR signaled its intention to continue fighting Jones, no matter how bad it makes the company look. On Jan. 19, it petitioned the Supreme Court to overturn the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals decision allowing Jones to press her case in a civil court rather than in arbitration. Among its many arguments in favor of a high court hearing: that Jones is a relentless self-promoter who has "sensationalize[d] her allegations against the KBR Defendants in the media, before the courts, and before Congress." In its petition, KBR is clearly miffed about the Franken Amendment, which it credits Jones with getting passed. KBR also suggests that much of Jones' story is fabricated. The company says in a footnote, "Many, if not all, of her allegations against the KBR Defenandants are demonstrably false. The KBR Defendants intend to vigorously contest Jones's allegations and show that her claims against the KBR Defendants are factually and legally untenable."
Dick Cheney's thugs believe taking about you getting raped is sensationalizing. Hardy har har har. And I guess the fact that they are also miffed about Franken's amendment is comedy that any late night show would be hard pressed to beat.

These people's evil, satanic ways will never be finite it seems.



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