Yesterday Leftovers For 4/23/10: What Else Won't They Do?
Gosh these people are so sickening :
And this one is just so good to watch, how obsessed he is at the thought of him, being similar to MVP is awesome to laugh at:
Yes to Bill Maher, watching Goldboy Tear Crier is some of the best moments of our day.
In case you didn’t think that Republicans have a strategy of delaying and obstructing everything, consider this story:But they do this for the American people!
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) took to the Senate floor on Thursday to blast Republicans for blocking confirmation of nominees who were actually confirmed earlier in the day.
The first-term senator castigated anonymous holds on five U.S. Attorney nominees, five U.S. Marshal nominees, and the nominee to be deputy director of National Drug Policy Control.
A unanimous consent motion an hour earlier by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, had the effect of confirming those nominees, though.
“A lot of states where the people’s business is not getting done because those nominees haven’t been put in place,” Shaheen said. “And the sad thing is the people who have these folks on hold are trying to get back at somebody in government, but the people who are suffering are the constituents in those states who are not getting their work done.”
These nominees include US Attorneys for South Carolina, Florida, Indiana, North Carolina and New York, as well as the five US Marshals and the ONDCP nominee.
And this one is just so good to watch, how obsessed he is at the thought of him, being similar to MVP is awesome to laugh at:
Yes to Bill Maher, watching Goldboy Tear Crier is some of the best moments of our day.