The Sleep Time and Rise "n" Shine Thread For 9/18/12: The Huff Post Live Review Show

Welcome to the inaugural installment of the Huffington Post Live review highlight show, recapping the best of HuffPost Live that day.

More tomorrow on why I've chosen to make this a regular staple here at TWD whenever I get a chance. And yes, a part of it has something to do with me having friends there and being on some of the segments, so there.

The Highlights

A) Now yours' truly did join in on the first Occupy Wall Street one-year-old birthday segment, a day after Ahmed's birthday.

B) In analyzing Newsweek's epic cluster (you know what) cover on "Muslim Rage" quality talk on that and NDAA slapdown.

C) During the LA session (more on that tomorrow), the terrific and diligent Mike Elk slapped down the slime that is Adrian Fenty and his privatization lobbyist, smug arrogance here in a must see segment for all those teachers unions fighting the privatization.

D) Great and hopefully not overlooked segment on dealing with loneliness:

E) Now for your your light hearted relationship segments, being with someone who holds the exact opposite of your political views is talked about..........

F) And yours' truly is back to talk about how/what should be the mentality for men and women dating in regards to women finding the right mate in this economy

That's the first Huff Post Live Review Highlight Show here at TWD. You can catch Huff Post Live every weekday from 10 AM to 10 PM (East Coast American time zone, check your local time zones).

Now here's Tevin, as usual, to close the Sleep Time/ Rise n Shine Thread. Peace:


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