The Rational Online News Network For 1/7/09 (Updated With Think Progress)

Today on TRONN:

At Media Matters, they probably were throwing up after having to watch and embed to their website the interview Matt Lauer had with the nutjob that is Ann Coulter today:

Also, they had to sadly report how a fool in the Los Angeles Times didn't retract how he painted Harry Reid a racist for not originally supporting Roland Burris into the Senate.

At 538, Nate Sliver gives a justified defense for Harry Reid and Senate Democrats over the Burris situation. Yes, really, he does.

At Firedoglake, Jane Hamsher just doesn't understand why Harry Reid hopes Ted Stevens doesn't want to go to jail, and she hit the nail on the head when she said this:
Does Reid have any respect for the law, or is it all about Senate entitlement? And after having thrown a huge public hissy fit about not being able to seat Roland Burris because Blago is such a crook the taint would be unbearable (words he will at any moment have to eat), this is the moment he chooses to come to the defense of a guy who actually has been convicted?
TPM talks about how the RNC meeting for today was blocked off for C-Span.

The Daily Kos' brownsox has had a field day laughing over the announcement of Joe The Plumber being an Israel correspondent for a conservative website:
So Not-Joe the Not-Plumber has now gone from not-plumbing, to being Joe The Candidate, to Joe the Country Star, to Joe the War Correspondent.

This, of course, after Not-Joe, expert that he is on Middle Eastern affairs, publicly maintained that the election of Obama would lead to the "death of Israel". Oddly enough, Israel appears to live, given that Sammy is heading there to war-correspond and whatnot.

I fully expect that on my next trip to the ER, the resident will be one Samuel J. Wurzelbacher. After all, it's important to involve Average Joes in the health-care industry, so as to prevent the field from being dominated by all these elitist M.D.'s.

One has to wonder why so many exciting new career changes are actually necessary for Not-Joe, given the lucrative not-plumbing business he was prepared to start which would have crippled him under the new SOCIALIST tax plan. I guess a $250,000 not-plumbing business doesn't go as far as it used to.
Hell, you would too.

Think Progress is always filled with delightful goodies, and features plenty. From idiot Representative of Florida Cliff Sterns having the nerve to ask Nancy Pelosi to reschedule the House in order for him to see the BS, excuse me, I mean BCS National Championship on Thursday to uggggggggggggggghhhhhhh, Cheney lying again about how horrible he thinks he isn't.

Also, they provided two videos that are must see. One with Bobby Rush continuing to make a fool of himself (video one) and the other with a Bollywood movie mocking Bush.
Video 1 from TP:

Video 2 from TP:

And finally, back to TPM for their always wonderful 100 Second roundup on the day in American news media television:

The Rational Online News Network for today, January 7th.


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