The Style For 3/29/10 (Inaugural Post): Happy 2nd Birthday To "O So Chic"

(This is "The Style", the new daily addition to The Whole Delivery pertaining to clothing and human appearance. This is just another step for the site to truly be one that gives The Whole Delivery. )
And they are having a giveaway :
Today we're giving away two gift sets from Tarte cosmetics. One winner will receive Gilt Trip, a set of six sparkling lip glosses in a cute gold case. The other winner will get a gift set that includes a Tarte lip balm and cheek stain in a pretty purple clutch.

There are three ways to enter and the more places you enter, the more likely your chance to win.

1. Become a Fan of O So Chic on Facebook and wish us Happy Birthday on our wall. You must be a fan of O So Chic on Facebook to win.

2. Follow @OSoChic on Twitter and wish @OSoChic Happy Birthday. You must follow @OSoChic on Twitter to win.

3. Enter your name and email address in the form below and wish us a Happy Birthday in the "What do you want to say to O So Chic?" section. By entering your email address you agree to be added to the O So Chic mailing list.
For all those who love style, this is certainly your place.


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