12/18/08- TWD's Agenda For The Day: Their Denial Continues

Photo from Think Progress
As many on the Rational Online News Network continue to focus on Obama's pick of Rick Warren for the invocation at his inauguration still (including Obama himself), the agenda for a second consecutive day will focus on the The Denial Administration continuing their aspersion and shameful dishonesty:

The worst Vice President in history comments to the conservative Washington Times released today:
Cheney stridently defended the Bush administration’s torture policies, saying, “I feel very good about what we did. I think it was the right thing to do.” He added emphatically that he would “do exactly the same thing again.”

Most audaciously, Cheney specifically defended the morality of torture, suggesting that it would have been immoral for the United States to not torture:

“In my mind, the foremost obligation we had from a moral or an ethical standpoint was to the oath of office we took when we were sworn in, on January 20 of 2001, to protect and defend against all enemies foreign and domestic. And that’s what we’ve done,” he said. […]

“I think it would have been unethical or immoral for us not to do everything we could in order to protect the nation against further attacks like what happened on 9/11,” Mr. Cheney said.

Cheney insisted that the torture policies he helped craft were “directly responsible for the fact that we’ve been able to avoid or defeat further attacks against the homeland for 7 1/2 years.”
You have got to love his arrogance and ghastly attitude.

Not to certainly be outdone,the Queen of lies and denial is at it again today. And once again, just like Candy Crowley failed to do, CNN's Zain Varajee didn't even try to challenge her:
This morning, CNN aired an exit interview with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. During the interview, reporter Zain Verjee asked Rice if she “regretted her role in the Iraq war.” Rice responded by saying that she had no regrets about the war and is “absolutely so proud” of invading Iraq:

QUESTION: Do you regret your role in the Iraq war?

SECRETARY RICE: I absolutely am so proud that we liberated Iraq.


SECRETARY RICE: Absolutely. And I’m especially, as a political scientist, not as Secretary of State, not as National Security Advisor, but as somebody who knows that structurally it matters that a geostrategically important country like Iraq is not Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.
And to see the visual proof that she said just that:I guess "really" is a challenge. Oh, silly me and my following real journalism to the script mentality. What the hell was I thinking, questioning a CNN reporter who posses only "really" to Rice's disgusting attempts to justify the Administration's illegalities.

And as Think Progress so brilliantly presents, take a look at all of the political science professor opposing the idea that Iraq was in America's best interest. Quite lovely, isn't it.

But but but but but, it seems that the denial has, OH MY GOODNESS, stopped!!!!
But now, after eight contentious years in the White House, Bush is admitting that he failed. During a discussion at the American Enterprise Institute today, Bush said that though he came into office “with the idea of changing the tone in Washington,” he “didn’t do a very good job of it.” Watch it:
Indeed, we will watch it:
Don't worry though, especially with the form that both Cheney and Rice still are in, their wonderful narrations of how they view the last few years will continue to conflict heavily with actual reality.

They wouldn't be dubbed the Denial Administration if that wasn't going to be the case. The Agenda's P.S. will be located in the comments section at 1:50 P.M.



sluggahjells said…
The Pending Schedule for December 18, 2008 (One Week Til Christmas Day)
-Music thread #1- Christmas Video
-The Other Pastor At Obama's Inauguration
-Sports Thread #1

-More Political Stuff
-Music Thread #2
-Sports Thread #2
-TWD's 1,2,3

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