The Sleep Time And Rise "n" Shine Thread For 8/30-31/09: IGTNT And The Miscellaneous

First, celebrating the lives lost at war from an American perspective, with a global conscious.

IGTNT tonight by roses, remembering the lives of
Pfc. Matthew E. Wildes of Hammond, Louisiana, and Staff Sgt. Kurt R. Curtiss of Murray, Utah, who were killed in Afghanistan.
As always, heart felt and real.

Deep stuff from this mother of a slained son.

Good on the Bahamas for this. .

A breathalyzer test helps find lung cancer. Not a bad invention at all.

I don't agree with this Microsoft guy all the way. Some points he makes are definitely true, but live big screen TV, if avaliable, will always beat live PC-TV, especially if the picture from the PC is grainy like most PC's can give you with a live stream.

Just in case you still don't believe that your employer is looking at your social media pages.

For some, this will not be a shock at all. But for others, the United States is not 1st, 2nd, 3rd or even in the Top 10 in broadband speed in the world. It is 28th.

And finally, to close, here is Tevin: "May tomorrow bring a better you...and a better me." Goodnight, and see you in the morning, Salutations!


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