The 1st Thread/The Sandy Thread #1 For 10/30/12:
Somehow Bloomberg is still asking that city workers come to work today if they can. He really is just a weird powerful individual who just won't care for public workers like he should.
Hopefully not getting too New York centric:
In the Chelsea section of Lower Manhattan.
Over 50 homes destroyed in the Breezy Point town of large Queens.
Here are all the closings, though everyone in New York knows already.
More on Connecticut, the rest of New England, Pennsylvania, Delaware (which has not had much coverage), and the rest.
Post Bloomberg Press conference
Though Bloomberg didn't mention Rikers Island or have anyone in the news mention it in the press conference, glad to hear that Rikers did not receive significant damage, with "no power outages on Rikers last night. No significant flooding or disruption of our operations."
The subway damage is historical here.
Stay tuned for more coverage of Hurricane Sandy here at The Whole Delivery and many other places.