The Sleep Time and Rise n" Shine Thread For 10/16-17/12: It Was An Unfair Fight

It was so bad for Mitt tonight that even a seasoned, centrist journalist like Crowley had to fact check him tonight, on his and other conservatives' latest obsession into an Obama choice of words:

Now Crowley went gladly back to her centrist ways, but her disgust at actually having to do her job thanks to Romney saying too blatant of a lie (as he did all evening) for her to ignore was wonderful (especially how Obama forced her to say that by him saying, "Candy, can you say that louder").

Ah, look what happens when a moderator does what a moderator is supposed to do, and that's a fact check like I said earlier. See how it helps America?!

More on this tomorrow. But for now, it's Tevin......


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