12/9/08-TWD's Agenda For The Day: Disgraceful
Photo from google.com
Rod Blagojevich has to be the the biggest idiot of the year. Because he has quite possibly replaced Elliot Spitzer and Sarah Palin as the most corrupt power abusing governors of the year.
Today, the news has exploded, as the top story is the Illinois Governor basically putting President-elect Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat up to the highest bidder. In a stunningly story of stupidity and insanity, here's U.S. attorney Pat Fitzgerald perfectly summing up today's jaw dropping agenda.
It would literally make Lincoln roll in his grave indeed. More on this developing story, because it is indeed fascinating to read and know about.
The pending schedule will be in the comments section, as always.
-More on Blagojevich
-Some other scandal that broke toward that the corporate media doesn't want you to know about.
- Sports Thread #1