The Read for 5/31/09: Thanks To The Power of Facebook, A Mom Reunites With Her Son After 27 Years
27 years ago..... (Photo from Daily Mail)
Online social media has its share of bad characteristics. Stalking, grotesque photos that ruin people's reputations, annoying groups, etc.
But with all the bad, there is a hell of a lot good with it.
This following story exhibits the absolute best of social online media. If you don't have a Kleenex right by your side right now, you may want to change that.
Because this really hits the soul:
A British woman whose son was abducted almost 30 years ago was reunited with him - thanks to Facebook.The rest of the story will leave you at least saying "Wow." It's not too long, so you'll finish reading it in a blink.
Avril Grube hadn't seen her son, Gavin, since his father took him to the Blackpool Zoo in 1982, according to the Times of London.
Fascinating. Saddening. Inspiriting. Heart-wrenching. What more can I say?
.........And now (Photo from Daily Mail)