The Straight Jacket Award Of The Day For 2/18/10: The First Day Of CPAC 2010

Oh the crazy was in abundance today at the always annual CPAC in D.C. The highlights were so plenty that we have to sum it up in the Top 10 moments.

10. Dick Armey "The number 1 biggest problem in America is the physical size of this government"

9. That same aptly named man, laughing at the uninsured again with "Armey mocks the idea of a "crisis in health care"

8. This Jason Mattera sure has some manners.

More to come from him later.

7. Some nut named David David Keene said "ACU chair Keene says CPAC has "Barack Obama honorary teleprompters"

6. The royal pig that is Erick Erickson said the unsurprisingly..."We got Fox News."

5. Erickson was not done, finding time to be obsessed with and poke fun at Media Matters

4. The voice of the "Demon Sheep" ad somehow thought it was rational to say Obama "probably" planning to use Gitmo to imprison Breitbart and Coulter." Wait, conservatives and rational? Never:

3 (tie). Some bum with a radio show with the least known Baldwin brother says that "Saving freedom" from academia, gov't is "greatest task" asked of a generation except "perhaps" the WWII generation.

This one is so underrated that if it came from a known person, it would have won:

3 (tie). Remember that Mattera guy? If your head has not banged itself enough, here is this other classy standout moment from him to earn a tie from the bronze

2. The father & daughter combination both gets number two. First, puppet Lizzy sprewing her lovely bile

And then, the puppet introduces her ventriloquist! Surprise!

And Number 1, we'll give it to the one who started off the day, RU-BI-OH!

All fitting winners of one deserved...........
.........Straight Jacket Award.


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