Sunday Crap Shows Highlights For 2/14/10: One Maddow Is Greater Than Two Cheneys

They are back!

The worst father and daughter combo known to modern day man returned to these crap shows. And it was fun to see the deluded lies and crazy they spoke:

To his credit, ABC's Jonathan Karl was much better than most thought he would be in this interview, getting Cheney to admit things he didn't want to admit, such as his Administration wanting Richard Reid to be tried in a civilian court instead of a military commissions. You know, just like the Obama Administration and all is doing with Abdul Mutallab.

Still, he got a chance to lie and spend truth like he did though, as well as still support his position of wanting to torture people like Abdul Mutallab with waterboarding:

One more thing...the networks love saying it's a giant exclusive interview. Isn't it?

And not to be far away is his favorite puppet daughter, Lizzy! She really called out John Brennan today, didn't she?

As you also see, Liz then has the nerve to blame Civilian courts for the reason for 9/11.

Billy Kristol, continuing Fox's attacks on reality, says "the whole global warming hysteria is over."

George Will continues to be a wannabe tough guy, claiming once again that Dems are weak on national security. How he sadly has a knowledge fit for only providing baseball perspective:

Thankfully, Rachel Maddow made a usual weekly day of crap better, calling out Republican nut Aaron Schock before Dancing Dave Gregory lets Schock, and the likes of Harold Ford and David Brooks spew their nonsense.

But Maddow's moment of brilliance highlights just again how dumb these shows are. The only one being truthful and honest with the watching public, only to be squeezed for time.

It is why they are the crappy shows they are.


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