If He Didn't Have Enough Weak Credentials Already
This morning, Straight jacket All-star lady:
Reid, through his spokesperson, in the last hour or so:
Sharon Angle made Harry Reid scared.
And it's one moment where being scared of the crazy isn't justified. Instead, it is absolutely pathetic to watch.
Sharron Angle tries to introduce the mosque issue into the Nevada Senate race, sending out this statement:
"Our forefathers made it very clear in the U.S. Constitution that people of all faiths have the right to practice their religion here in America. As with all religions, Muslims have the right to worship in New York or Nevada or any state in our nation.
However, by supporting the construction of a mosque at Ground Zero, President Obama has once again ignored the wishes of the American people, this time at the expense of victims of 9/11 and their families. They have said overwhelmingly that the location of this mosque is an affront to the memories of their loved ones who were murdered by Islamic extremists on 9/11. Their wishes should be respected.
As the Majority Leader, Harry Reid is usually President Obama's mouthpiece in the U.S. Senate, and yet he remains silent on this issue. Reid has a responsibility to stand up and say no to the mosque at Ground Zero or once again side with President Obama---this time against the families of 9/11 victims. America is waiting."
Reid, through his spokesperson, in the last hour or so:
The First Amendment protects freedom of religion. Senator Reid respects that but thinks that the mosque should be built some place else. If the Republicans are being sincere, they would help us pass this long overdue bill to help the first responders whose health and livelihoods have been devastated because of their bravery on 911, rather than continuing to block this much-needed legislation.Outside of the national implications, just the overall state implications from the Majority Leader's statements through his spokesperson can be summed up as this:
Sharon Angle made Harry Reid scared.
And it's one moment where being scared of the crazy isn't justified. Instead, it is absolutely pathetic to watch.