Our Centrist Journalism Fail Thread #1 For 11/12/12: The Right Apology From The Wrong Source

(Please note: These are only my words and mine alone. I speak for none of the following parties down below. I shouldn't have to emphasize that, but I have to strongly do it here for this post.)

Unlike Spencer "Attackerman" Ackerman, everyone who covers Petraeus on a regular, from Washington Post CIA cheerleader David Ignatius to Andrea Mitchell, are just fake.

The Beltway centrist elite produly lionized Cheney (and Bush's) general to demigod, legend of Troy status by glossing over how he was an integral part of an unjust war. I mean, it was his job to follow his corrupt bosses rules, so yes, he was just doing his job.

Still, the likes of Ignatius and Mitchell do this every day with the power leaders of this country like Petraeus in the nation's capital, yet are then shocked when their simple shenanigans lead to their fall instead of what should be the powerful's demise, their shameful actions with their own dominion.

But it's key that everyone not aware of the likes of David Ignatius or Andrea Mitchell know that these people have simply failed at their jobs of holding powerful people accountable like this, because they are too friendly with them. They have failed the American people.

Glenn Greenwald speaks no lies ever on what he has to say about them, even though they arguably loathe him just as much as their worst enemies.

Ignatius and Mitchell probably loved Paula Broadwell's biography so much about their beloved bipartisan, Beltway hero. And they probably just blame her first and foremost for messing with their friend. Or rather, since they are likely good friends with Paula too, they are more angry at the White House for great General David getting fired for this, just like Diane Feinstein (more on her later, since she had a field day expressing her concern on Fox News Sunday yesterday and Mitchell today).

How lovely to see the Beltway centrist stenographers rattled, that their cherish General has been rendered to just an ordinary, flawed individual like every other human being (only they didn't help lead one of Earth's most ungodly and uncalled for wars like Petraeus).

But sadly, the likes of Mitchell, Ignatius, and the rest of the Manhattan and DC centrist to conservative elite won't learn their lessons until someone holds them accountable and gets them to apologize.

Because in all honesty, great Spencer Ackerman shouldn't have to apologize for anything. But unlike them, he has a sense of doing quality journalism and, just as important, cares about how he informs his fellow American citizen.

That certainly can't be said about the Beltway and Manhattan centrist journalists.


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