The Real Feel For 11/15/12: The American Centrist Circle Tickles Down To The Youth
So instead of us being responsible in our news culture for once and condemning Luke Russert for his absurd and hypocritical question yesterday, we have a complete hack driven segment on Huff Post Live today, where the two intelligent women apart of this segment excuse Russert for his behavior and question if Pelosi is being a little dismissive with her justified reaction.
And that is simply because Russert is a friend and king of the young Beltway/Manhattan political elite, non-Republican crowd thanks to who his parents are, and that Alicia Menendez and Sabrina Siddiqui are friends or good acquaintances apart of that junior, American aristocratic crowd.
This is what happens with you have young Democrats and young reporters not willing to learn the lessons of their current predecessors' mediocre, passive journalism and lack of standing up for their principles like they should do.
Both Menendez and Siddiqui know better here, especially if they are quite friendly with Luke Russert, or have friends who are close to him. It's quite troubling, alarming, and disturbing that the "elitist, anti-liberal" culture is so prevalent even with our young elite generation who think "we all know more now than some of our elders."
What was most disturbing about this segment was the fact that all of my comments got blocked throughout the entire segment. Not a single one of my comments go through at all as I was trying to stop this nonsense and semi-Pelosi slamming from going on.
I was banned again for the day at Huff Post Live. Maybe I was even banned for good from there altogether, since this was the second time this week. It continues to be a major problem that they just are too prideful to ignore.
It's what the powerful will do to those who don't fall in line and be good little children, or else they will be punished.
Now some of us will know that arrogant elders will always dismiss youngsters anywhere and especially on Capital Hill, as it happens everyday and every year. And there will be great times when those arrogant elders get humbled by their young proteges (or even rivals).
But there is a reason why Nancy Pelosi is ahead of the House Democrats still and not some inexperience late 20 or 30-year-old hot shot brought out by the lobbyists already and being exposed for the lack of time they have in high public official positions.
And Nancy Pelosi, despite any disagreements anyone has with her, is one that would never be dismissive to any young person unless they were dismissive to her.
And clearly, all centrists, whether they are young, old, or in the middle, have this continued persistence to want Nancy Pelosi to leave and never come back. It's the passive, bullying actions that make them so pernicious to our troubled society, and it's good to see Pelosi not cower in all of that pressure.
The young centrist reporters and centrist Democrats who won't have the courage to do real journalism or stand for the principles that are suppose to make then Democrats (but love to snicker and talk their real views on nutcase Republicans and those "annoying pesky, loser liberals who try and tell us how to do our jobs") will keep on doing this until something massive happens.
But until that crucial epoch, it just does not stop with the Northeast elite and overall American elitist culture.
Especially when you are outside their precious clique that dare not be challenged or altered.