TWD 2nd Thread For 11/8/12: Gallup's Waterloo
As the election's final day (and only day) began, I said this about how our polling culture needs to immediately change in this nation, or else.
The obsession over highlighting racially excursionist "Likely Voter" models has been antiquated since 2008. Now you can apply that to mid-term election years, but with the increased push in early voting and galvanization of new voting blocks emerging (more blacks, more Hispanic combining to help more younger people voting and a returned of formerly apathetic mid-life voters) it makes these polling firms look Rasmussen bad.
One poll that definitely has almost resembled Rasmussen is Gallup, which came out with another weird poll out of nowhere having Romney up by one point nationally. And after trying to ignore all the polls showing an inevitable Obama win, Greta van Susteran sure was gleeful and happy to use that poll on her telecast this evening.
And as the results showed, Gallup has embarrassed itself by staying true to Beltway/Manhattan establishment's "Likely Voter" models for prominent media coverage instead of being diligent polls like PPP who at least try and acknowledge more of an importance on "Registered Voters."
So congratulations Gallup. Because you were so scared of conservative pressure and bizarre polls, you looked just idiotic, hackish, and dumb. That 51-45 Romney lead poll made you look so incompetent and beloved by the wrong people to love you: conservative knee-jerk hacks.
Hopefully you will learn from your lessons and change your antiquated and frankly seclusion-esque ways.
But sadly, I think they just won't. Because not enough people at the top will hold themselves accountable unless they play sports.