The Sleep Time and Rise "n" Shine Thread For 11/6-7/12: Troll Polls (TWD Election 2012 Coverage)
This election has featured desperation by our centrist, corporate media to make this as much of a horserace as possible. Every chance of a poll showing a tight race has been ushered onto TV producer's laps with their hosts so happy to get the news of a race being so close.
Chuck Todd, Andrea Mitchell, the Morning Joe crew, and all the folks at CNN are always desperate for a nail-bitter, and have gladly mentioned any poll from any source to push that idea.
But try as they might, with barely acknowledging Republican voter suppression efforts to not mess up their dream 2000 or 2004 narrative, it looks like it will not work whatsoever. And it will be incumbent (no pun intended) on many people requesting that polling organizations begin a fundamental overhaul of conducting their polls immediately.
The obsession over highlighting racially excursionist "Likely Voter" models has been antiquated since 2008. Now you can apply that to mid-term election years, but with the increased push in early voting and galvanization of new voting blocks emerging (more blacks, more Hispanic combining to help more younger people voting and a returned of formerly apathetic mid-life voters) it makes these polling firms look Rasmussen bad.
One poll that definitely has almost resembled Rasmussen is Gallup, which came out with another weird poll out of nowhere having Romney up by one point nationally. And after trying to ignore all the polls showing an inevitable Obama win, Greta van Susteran sure was gleeful and happy to use that poll on her telecast this evening.
I really do feel for Gallup tomorrow if they are badly wrong, and I think they clearly will be, along with all the "Likely Voter" obsessed models from these polling outfits lacking diversity.
But instead of requesting a complete revamping of our news polling ways, I guess the rest of the centrist pundits will keep on blaming Nate Silver for having the correct math.
To Tevin, helping start your American election day, goodnight: