The 1st Thread For 11/15/12: When "The Serious People" Show Once Again They Are Not Serious

In case you all didn't even bother viewing it yesterday (November 14, 2012), here's NBC privilege figure Luke Russert embarrassing himself with the ridiculous question to Nancy Pelosi.

After that display of hypocrisy (because Russert would not ask Mitch McConnell or John Boehner that question) and ageism from Russert, it was almost equally topped by the man who replaced Luke's father as host of Meet The Press, David Gregory, for choosing to host sore grapes elitist Lindsey Graham Sunday.

Gregory rushed to have Graham on the minute Obama slammed him and his best friend forever John McCain for their continued vapid petty attack at Susan Rice and their overblown view of what happened in Benghazi that evening.

Three men. Two centrist journalists who have no fundamentals of being good journalists, and a power hungry bitter, elitist old Republican.

Your culture in the nation's capital in a complete nutshell. Run and surrounded by arrogant and incomplete people.

Update: And this morning on the failing Today show, John McCain's pettiness is rewarded with another national interview with Matt Lauer.

Our centrist non-sports, powerful media is excellent at covering regular, mainstream pop culture stories. But when it comes to global news and the tough issues of US domestic politics with public official issues, it really is dire in America.

And that's why our journalism fails us. We don't learn the lessons from our mistakes on the most important, substantiative issues, and that clearly shows in the nutcase party (Republicans) and centrist journalists who so gladly give them an equal platform, while thinking that they are doing the best job that journalism could ever produce. 


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