The HuffPostLive/AJ English Critique Thread For 12/6/12: Your Boss Is.......The Truth

There was an important segment on yesterday's daily 12 hour weekday marathon of HuffPostLive, where basically all Al Jazeera's news networks (both Arabic and English) weren't covering how the place that founds them, the Qatar government, jailing the poet Muhammad Ibn al-Dheeb al-Ajami for life by his criticism of that same government.

Now with this being an interesting discussion and all, the most important factor that all of these good people failed to mention here is the fact that regardless of who is ahead of a news organization or who funds a news organization that they don't call the shots on the entire world.

In less confusing, more simplistic talk: There are human "bosses" in every profession. But in news profession, no matter in what genre of news or what form it is (TV/radio), the absolute truth is the most powerful and unquestionable boss.

And if any boss makes a decision crushing a journalist trying to do his or her job by overruling or destroying their accurate story because their reporting of truth messes up something they want to hide from the public they are suppose to honestly inform, then they are a boss that really doesn't belong at the top of the best, respectable news business whatsoever.

Moreover, if that boss is just wrong and instead chooses to fire that reporter because of that journalist reporting against a conflict of that bosses' (or company/shareholders') interests, then that type of boss should never be allowed in this profession. And it shows how failed the news industry is when the main proprietors aren't mature enough to admit their wrong doing and fix their shameful errors for the sake of truth and overall fairness in society.

Unfortunately, we have many of those bosses at the top of news organizations everywhere, presiding and giving the paychecks to many great journalists who just want to uncover the truth and actually do human good, only to be at the mercy of those who primarily want to protect their own interests first.

Your modern day news journalism world on your modern day Earth. The hypocrisy still continues. 


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