As Markos Moulistas Zuniga perfectly said: "You can't make this stuff up"

Photos Thanks to the Great Folks at TPM

Seriously, you just can't.

And note, Talking Points Memo last night broke this story, and they broke this story. And they BROKE this story.

In fact, let me say this: Talking Points Memo from Josh Marshall is literally the best America news site right now. How Marshall can't get a network job (or be offer one) shows just how sad the state of real journalism is in this country. He is a great guy, and a great journalist changing the game and putting many people to shame.

Let's see if the cable media outside of Olbermann and Maddow focus on this massive, MASSIVE blunder from McCain below (if you didn't check the link yet) instead of the "supposed gaffe" that Joe Biden made today on ABC'S Good Morning America, which it really wasn't since the whole quote is taken out of context, yet again by the RNC. The SOP are running around crazy to try and paint this as a huge deal (don't they have a housing crisis to fix after they put the country in this mess), and some in the media, in order to keep this race as close as possible, are going happily alone with their incongruity. It's dishonest political reporting at its zenith (typical with the America media, because it isn't just Fox News doing it), but back to the matter at hand.

John McCain doesn't know his current foreign policy details. But isn't his strength suppose to be, well, foreign policy? This is worse than the "fundamentals of our economy are strong" gaffe. Way worse.

It is this man's DAMN strength, my goodness gracious.
To recap, tonight we've been discussing Sen. McCain's bizarre interview in which he appeared not to know who Spanish Prime Minister Zapatero was and, in an effort to wing it, assumed he must be another left-wing, anti-American leader from Latin America. In the Spanish press analysis of the interview, at least, many seem uncertain whether McCain even knows where Spain is [...]

It gets worst.
McCain then gives this odd answer about America's friends and America's enemies. He also, oddly, talks about Mexico (why Mexico? The question was about Spain) and how he'd invite friendly leaders to the White House. She then asks him again, would that invitation include President Zapatero? He says again that he'd have to review relations first, blah blah. She then says again, "so you'd have to wait to see, so would you meet with him in the White House?" He again repeats his weird statement about friends and enemies. McCain also throws in, oddly, to the Spanish reporter, when she's asking him about meeting the Spanish president, a line about the importance of our relationship with Latin America (this is now the second time he answered a question about meeting the president of Spain with an answer about Latin America). She then says to McCain one last time:

"Okay, but I'm talking about Europe - the president of Spain, would you meet with him?"
This time, there was no room for confusion. McCain then gives this very bizarre answer:

"I will meet with any leader who has the same principles and philosophy as us in terms of human rights, democracy, and freedom and I will stand up to those who do not."

If the media has the courage to cover this, REALLY COVER THIS, then we won't even need the first debate next week. Or any DEBATE for that matter (or just have the Vice Presidental debate). I'm serious when I say this. Dead serious.

Because if John McCain doesn't know his suppose strength (though his comments/perspectives on Iraq, Afghanistan, his comments of "Czechoslovakia", his mix of Sunni and Shitte, and wanting to place Phil Gramm in Belarus but then bringing him back on his campaign didn't do it for you already), then why should you take him seriously to be the next president of the United States in one of America's darkest times?

But really, this race should have been over already, in all direct honesty. And only the deeply rational and decently informed are cognizant of that very fact.


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