The 2nd Thread For 7/20/10: The Latest Victim Of How The Rabid Right Wing Machine
For most of July 19th, not many people knew who Shirley Sherrod is. On July 20th, that is certainly no longer the case.
Last night, the story broke out, thanks to the Breitbartocalypse nutcases, showing video of Sherrod of the now former member of the Agriculture Department appearing to not show full conviction towards a white male farmer as she would someone else to facilitate him out in his situation.
As typical, Murdoch's Comedy Clown Network got the video immediately, and the right wing nutcase machine did what they do best. Yell, Yell, Yell until someone hears.
Fortunately for them, the White House shakes in their boots at anytime they yell apparently.
Within instance of the story even becoming lukewarm, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack accepted Sherrod's resignation.
Now the much scrutinized women tells CNN that her controversial comments were fully taken out of context :
"I was speaking to that group, like I've done many groups, and I tell them about a time when I thought the issue was race and race only," Sherrod said on CNN's "American Morning" from her home in Albany, Georgia. The incident took place in 1986, while she worked for a nonprofit and before she joined the Agriculture Department, she said. "I was telling the story of how working with him helped me to see the issue is not about race. It's about those who have versus those who do not have."Making Sherrod's defense here even stronger is this comment from an important source:
A Georgia woman who said she believes her husband is the white farmer referenced in the clip told CNN on Tuesday that Sherrod was helpful to her family and that the couple never felt she was being racist while trying to assist them in avoiding foreclosure.If this is true, then shame on the White House for folding so quickly once again under the right-wing, Breitbartocalypse. They didn't learn their lesson on ACORN apparently, and that's not even mentioning Van Jones' situation either.
"She treated us really good and got us all we could," said Eloise Spooner, of Iron City, Georgia. Spooner said she remembered that Sherrod helped find an attorney to help her husband, Roger.
She added she doesn't believe Sherrod is being treated fairly.
It certainly was something to hear how strong Sherrod's answer was about the Administration when Roberts asked her if she fought for her job amidst the expedient pressure to resign placed on her.
"I did say that, but they, for some reason, the stuff that Fox and the Tea Party does, is scaring the Administration," said Sherrod. "I said get the whole tape, look at the whole the whole tape, and look at how I told people we have to get beyond race and work together."
Roberts inquired again on why she eventually took the resignation, prompting Sherrod to indicate how no one had her back.
"If I tried to fight it, but I didn't have support of the Agriculture Administration, so what was I suppose to do."
Sherrod later on was dismayed at NAACP leader Ben Jealous' rapid condemnation of her last night, and she had every right to be upset with him as well. Jealous has done a terrific job as ahead of the NAACP, and has struck the right tone especially in regards to the whole Tea Party-NAACP saga of this preceding week.
But Jealous, just like the White House, panicked too quickly last night and now looks very silly for making a rare embarrassing mistake, compounding the slaughtering Sherrod is taking now in a desperate attempt to avoid getting assailed by the right wing media as a "hypocrite" (even though they will always attack him and the NAACP no matter what).
Moreover, what this shows is how, EVEN IF THEY AREN'T TELLING THE FULL TRUTH, the right wing nutcases still drive the media at any chance they can get with altered soundbites or out of context quotes.
In short, the media's program directors (and apparently the White House) still are sometimes run by the Drudge and Drudge wannabe lackeys still contaminating our already contaminated media.
Update: And here is video of the white farmer's wife defending Sherrod:
The White House and everyone at the Agriculture Department should be ashamed of themselves after seeing that video.