The Fun Thread For 7/27/10 (Final Edition): Make Sure That Your Trailer Fits

Not the smartest move, but real funny:

And great trailer for this "Sucker Punch" movie that had better not suck:

Trailer for Zack Snyder's 'Sucker Punch' - Watch more horror

A Battleship film staring Rihanna is coming down in the works. Wait, starring?? Yup.

If you have a Jellyfish's eyes, you are a lucky animal .

An interesting sponsor for marijuana legalization push .

The Original Jobs of Small Dogs .

This did happen somewhere today .

And so damn true about Kirby.....I guess we are an angry country after all:

Finally, this is the start of The Fun Thread's Teen Titans Fest, featuring episodes of one of the funniest and most enjoyable cartoons of the last decade.

And we take it back to their Season 1 episode 2, titled "Sisters."

Oh what fun. Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Your Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun thread of the day.


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