Don't Fall Into The "Calling Them Racist" Trap

This will explain my full point in this thread:

The legend that is KingEyeOn continued the momentum of the "Fox is racist" viewpoint that Howard Dean replaced into the talking heads conscious on Sunday with yet another classic thread from him earlier today.

The evidence is clear as delight that at the very least, the Murdoch Clown Network are total cowards and piously ignorant to being able to have any smart opinion on race issues in America and anywhere else.

Most of them will probably never understand the full events and emotional ramifications of minority history in this country, or at least those not apart of Goldline Dreck's peculiar lineup of black Republicans and their bimonthly appearances on that show.

There are only two black correspondents that even appear on the Conservative Insane Network (Lord knows why Columbia Professor Marc Lamont Hill still goes on that network as much as he does), one black reporter named Wendell Gibson, and no black anchors (at least from what I see) currently on their roster. And only Hill and Juan Williams even appear on O'Liely or the Insanity one appear on a regular occurrence.

The rush to call Shirley Sherrod a racist by the Loofah one and Big Chin last Monday night was evident for all to see, further giving more validity to the belief hailed by many that "Fox is racist."

But you see, just with what the Tea Party does when someone calls them a "racist" outright, when we called the RNC's dictators and press agents "racist" so freely, it gives them the excuse to vociferate "LOOK, ANOTHER LIBERAL ATTACK ON US FROM BEING DIFFERENT THEN THEM" over, and over, and over again.

Moreover, it then brings the rest of their corporate media friends that they attack at every chance they get to even bring up the question "Is Fox News racist?" They'll have a forum of typical one on one nonsense, resulting in mendacious nuts like Tony Blankley accusing "both sides" of using the race card so easily like he did yesterday on the Ed Show (in a segment where I have to admit that Ed was poor in, which hasn't been the case on many occasions).

Saying Fox is racist, even if it is true, is just giving them the pathetic strategy to then yield the "victim" card like those D- actors will do at anytime. It will let their idiot lackey tea baggers (in my Ken Buck voice) join them in indicating "We can't have an honest conversation on race" when they don't give a total damn about even having a simple kitchen table colloquy on it.

This is why I can't compliment Ben Jealous and the NAACP enough (before they then screwed up by backing Tom Vilsack and the White House) for making sure that they clearly said "some racist elements" instead of going the full tilt on the "Complain about taxes but don't know that they got a tax break" crowd.

Because when you call them outright "racist", you give them their full wish of then countering that you have no full 100% evidence of them being so. They will lie and play dumb, claiming that you are the irrational one for playing the race card when they are just focusing on the issues and not the skin color. And they will try to milk the victim card to discredit you as a person who won't use the whole entire facts to form a fair public sentiment.

Keep the focus on how much of a propaganda clown network Murodch and Roger Ailes lackeys are. Because when you call them what they probably are on the inside, they will make sure to bluster on the outside that you are attacking them with no full evidence of such.

Don't fall into their sneaky trap.


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