The 2nd Thread/Yesterday's Leftovers For 7/27/10: Put It All Right Back In The House Of Lords

The House of Lords exhibited how they don't care about the downtrodden and the middle class once again last Thursday, as they stripped needed Supplemental Appropriations out of that lovely war funding bill set to past soon with no challenge.

Those wonderful appropriations that the House of Lords deemed not worthy of their support include essential aid for teachers and that USDA settlement with black farmers that has been long overdue .

Back in February, the Obama Administration settled the $1.5 billion lawsuit with black farmers .

But now, thanks to all the members of the nutcase party, as seven uncaring Democrats practiced their inner Republican once again in full daylight, those integral pieces to an already terrible bill are gone.

Bayh (typical), Begich (man, has he casted some terrible votes in his short time), Bennett (a growing fraud), Carper (but he will love his banking friends though), Landrieu (same old same old), McCaskill (a fake), Pryor, Warner (what a disappointment), and Mr "Whites Get Discriminated" in Webb were all the Democrats who voted like unsympathetic Republicans last Thursday.

All the prominent House Democrats need to hold these clowns accountable and shove this otherwise pathetic bill back in the throats of the House of Lords.

The bill is already awful enough with the continued funding of an insane war. But without this addition funding for crucial domestic things, it will be in my mind the worse legislation this year.

Update: David Obey will vote against the funding bill.

Updated 2 at 6:35 PM: It's official, the House has passed the worse bill of the year, by a total of 308-111. More to come in a full write up folks.


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