TWD Condolences For 7/23/10: Cheers To A Legendary Journalist, Passing At 93

Photo from NPR

A nice tribute from the Associated Press:

And here are a few great interviews from this beacon of journalism:

Radio is what keeps me going.

Him on CNN interviewing Boris Korczak, who was Valerie Plame before Valeria Plame:

And the NPR has a great video last year, February 2009, when he was introduced to Twitter....awesome!

God bless press to those who he departs from :
Returning to the U.S., he married for the first time at the age of 50 to Lisbeth Bamberger. Besides his wife, of Washington, survivors include two children, Jonathan Schorr of Oakland, Calif., and Lisa Schorr of Boston; a brother, Alvin Schorr of Charlotte; and one granddaughter.
And God Bless to just a standout guy.


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