9/26/08-TWD's Agenda for the Day- Debating How "Drama Kings" Will Never Be Real Kings (or Leaders)

Photo from Dodd Abide at the Kos

This article shows you who the real leader is right now, and how both the President and one of Congress's long time members stay quiet and cower in the back in this time were leadership is required. Unbelivable (in both a good and bad way).
Instead he [McCain] found himself in the midst of a remarkable partisan showdown, lacking a clear public message for how to bring it to an end.

At the bipartisan White House meeting that Mr. McCain had called for a day earlier, he sat silently for more than 40 minutes, more observer than leader, and then offered only a vague sense of where he stood, said people in the meeting.

Still, by nightfall, the day provided the younger and less experienced Mr. Obama an opportunity to, in effect, shift roles with Mr. McCain. For a moment, at least, it was Mr. Obama presenting himself as the old hand at consensus building, and as the real face of bipartisan politics.

But if anybody has been paying good attention since this whole entire thing started in early 2007 (I really started as the year was coming to a close), then what you saw and read in bold shouldn't come out to much of a surprise.

DemFromCt'sToday's Abbreviated Pundit Round Up is another classic as usual, especially Eugene Robinson calling McSad a "Drama King." Robinson is just one of the figures you need to know more if you don't. He is a class writer, a class thinker, and a class act as a human being.

In fact, for more analysis on Robinson's brilliance and humor, I also gave "The Read" label to teacherken at the Kos post on Robinson's column this morning. Great stuff.

And so was the good jon, Jon Stewart, last night, as usual:


So when push comes to shove and putting the counrty first through walking the walk instead of talking the damn talk, you see what party (and what people) really care about you......and me.

The Pending Schedule will be placed in the Comments section a little later, at around 11 AM Eastern time, and since it is Friday, you will get "The Flashback" music thread and hopefully, the premiere of "The Cinema" thread as well.

The Agenda on TWD: Setting you up before you get caught up.


sluggahjells said…
The Pending Schedule
-Music Thread #1- The Flashbacks
-Sports Thread #1- Allan Houston, are you kidding me Donnie Walsh?
-The Cinema
-Mid afternoon News Thread
-Tick tick, what is your decision John McPathetic: Debate and Get Humiliated or Be a Scaried Little Kitty.
-Music Thread #2
-Sports Thread#2
-Debate Aftermath

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