Brutal But True Truthtelling: Obama Brings Up McCain's Neglect During Hurricane Katrina
He was down there helping people, ON THE GROUND.
And some people think both Obama and McShame are full of "s---". Please, do your research and stop making irrational statements!!! This election, like all, is just too important to be engulfed in thinking fully with the heart, and not with the head.
Senator McCain just doesn't get it. He doesn't understand that the storm hitting Wall Street hit Main Street long ago. That's why his first response to the greatest financial meltdown in generations was a Katrina-like response.And for those who don't believe this, here is McCain with Bush on the day when the levees broke. What were they doing:Oh, that's right celebrating, with cake for McCain's birthday. Oh, and by the way, for those who once again say I show "partisan bias", you want me to tell you want Obama was doing when Katrina hit? Huh?
Sort of stood there. Said the fundamentals of the economy are strong. That's why he's been shifting positions these last two weeks, looking for photo ops, trying to figure out what to say and what to do.Here's the video from the great JedReport:
He was down there helping people, ON THE GROUND.
And some people think both Obama and McShame are full of "s---". Please, do your research and stop making irrational statements!!! This election, like all, is just too important to be engulfed in thinking fully with the heart, and not with the head.