Obeying the Law Just Doesn't Apply to Them

If Dick Cheney and Karl Rove had at least one thing to smile about all week, it was certainly this disturbing news that broke last night. (via TPM)
Todd Palin, who participates in state business in person or by e-mail, was among 13 people subpoenaed by the Alaska Legislature. McCain-Palin presidential campaign spokesman Ed O'Callaghan announced today that Todd Palin would not appear, because he no longer believes the Legislature's investigation is legitimate.

So after Sarah Palin said consistently and constantly in the past that she would willingly cooperate with this investigation (along with a 14-0 unamious bipartisan vote to go along with this case and a bipartisan 3-2 vote that was decided by Republican Charlie Higgins in order to subpoena both her and her husband), she now all of a sudden has a change of heart. I wonder why for?

But the skating out of this gets better when you see this below.
Todd Palin's attorney, Thomas Van Flein, sent a letter yesterday to Trooper-Gate investigator Stephen Branchflower, informing him that his client would not be cooperating with the subpoena. The letter can be seen here.

And here's Page 1 of "here"

(thanks to TPM of course, if you click on the link)

If I were to get subpoenaed, my behind would have to be in court. If any of my family members were to get subpoenaed, they would have to be in court. If my friends were to get subpoenaed, they would have to be in court. Any American who gets subpoenaed is, by law, suppose to be in court.

But if you are a powerful Republican figure who gets subpoenaed, I guess you don't have to come to court if you don't want to.


sluggahjells said…
Pretty shameful if you ask me

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