10/21/08- TWD'S Daily Agenda: McRussia In The Pocket Of Putin And Medvedev

(Original photo from google.com)

Let's quickly go over a major campaign finance rule (thanks to Citizen joe):

The ban on political contributions and expenditures by foreign nationals was first enacted in 1966 as part of the amendments to the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), an "internal security" statute. The goal of the FARA was to minimize foreign intervention in U.S. elections by establishing a series of limitations on foreign nationals. These included registration requirements for the agents of foreign principals and a general prohibition on political contributions by foreign nationals.

No foreign aid for anyone. But we all should know that. Especially John McCampaign Finance and all his experience.

Ehhhh, not so much:
Russia's permanent mission to the UN has received a letter from U.S. Republican presidential candidate John McCain asking for financial support of his election campaign, the mission said in a statement on Monday.

"We have received a letter from Senator John McCain with a request for a financial donation to his presidential election campaign. In this respect we have to reiterate that neither Russia's permanent mission to the UN nor the Russian government or its officials finance political activities in foreign countries," the statement said.

According to Ruslan Bakhtin, press secretary of the Russian mission, the letter dated September 29 and signed by McCain, was addressed to Vitaly Churkin, Russia's envoy to the UN, and arrived on October 16.

So he talks all this tough talk about Russia and how evil Putin is, and then he goes and does something like this?

McHypocrite strikes again, alarmingly in the pocket of de facto president Vladimir and official president/puppet Dmitry Medvedev.

And sadly, if the shoe were on the other foot, everyone and their Pluto-nian neighbors would be all over Obama, and calling him anti-America.

Instead, we still have to here more horrible "likely voter" polls about McCain "in reach by being behind 7 points."

Goodness gracious.

And here's McAngry on CBS this morning:

(The Agenda's P.S. is in the Comments section).


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