Oh BOY, She Can' Even Get a Third Grader's Question Right?!

BJ Rudell at the Kos, TP's Ryan Powers , and the hilarious DK front page writer Kagro X have been all over this one.

This question came from a third grader by the name of Brandon Garcia, and it asks her the simple, lay up question.

"What does the vice president do?"

Now to remind those who don't know, here's Palin in July, saying she had no clue what the Vice President does?

Got that? Okay.

Here's her yesterday, with the NBC affiliate in Colorado, getting asked that question from little Brandon.

I'm embarrassed as an American, for this individual to be this close to the second highest position in the free world, and she doesn't even know the damn role.

Hilarious statement from Jim Manley, spokesman to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV):
This comment is all the more puzzling because this is at least the 2nd time she has said this. Gov Palin needs to re-read or perhaps read for the first time the Constitution. While the Vice President presides over the Senate, he or she is not in charge of it. Article 1 says The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided.

The Senate is part of a co-equal branch of the federal government.

Here's a response from this poster on Digg by the name of plimpton 777. So fitting, so hilarious.
Embarrassing (and Laughing My A-- off at the same time)


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