The Sleep Tme and Rise "n"Shine Thread for 10/26-27/08: McCain Says He and Bush Share The Same Ideas

Probable the dumbest gaffe of them all from John McGaffe:

As Jed Lewison says:
Now let me just ask you a simple question: at this point in the campaign, is there anything stupider that John McCain could have said about his political philosophy than to admit that he shares it with George W. Bush?

Unfortunately, the media doesn't want you to know how stupid McCain's gaffe was. In fact, they are exonerating McCain himself.
Unfortunately, there has been very little news coverage of McCain's blunder, nor of Obama's response. At least as of the writing of this blog entry, what little coverage there was had missed the point, reporting that it was Obama who had tied McCain to Bush when in fact it was McCain who had tied McCain to Bush.

But, as you saw in the video. Obama-Biden won't let this go away so easily.
Fortunately, yesterday was Sunday, giving Obama another shot to stick McCain with his words. Either he or Biden could say something about it today, or perhaps the campaign could throw together a television ad to highlight McCain's admission. It might not even have to come from the campaign: any reporter lucky enough to get to ask McCain a question ought to ask him about it.

And if they get this out, then potentially, McCain could even lose his own home state.


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