Sam Loomis' Sunday Talk: Before Powel''s Endorsement
Caption: Of course it is from Sam, as always
Sam is just a legend:
Robocalls, terrorist mailers and lunatic surrogates abound.
Two weeks left to GOTV and toss them an anchor from sea to shining sea.
My friends, there's a full lineup and other goodies below.
Highlights, and glad to see Lara Logan, one of our 16-G photo personalities on our main photo her at TWD, back and getting love (She is on the bottom, second left):
Meet The Press: The Colin Powell 2008 Redemption Tour. Or else its gonna be Colin Powell's Wishy-Washy Express. Hard to know which Colin will show up. Very Serious campaign discourse with Chuck Todd, professional dickweed David Brooks, Jon Meacham, Andrea Mitchell and Morning Joe Scarborough.
Tweety: NBC's Mark Whitaker, Katty Kay, Andrew Sullivan, conservative outcast Kathleen Parker. Quotes here. Parker compares Obama's FL team to General Petraeus, organizing a sunshine state surge.
This Weak: Adulterous nerd Newt Gingrich. Gingrich '12! Some roundtable with the same people repeating the same crap they did last week.
Always a joy to post, once again, I recommend you read Sam Loomis' "Sunday Talk."