10/29/08- TWD's Agenda For the Day, Part 2: Will Keith Olbermann Fire Back At Campbell Brown?

Last night, neo-CNN continued its petty attack on Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow by having the vapid Campbell Brown spit dishonest venom on Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show" last night.

That venom was lumping Keith Olbermann with Bill O'Reilly as partisan "ideologues" who let the party's they support get in the way of giving the whole story, and that CNN is down the middle, like her gimmick "No Bias, No Bull" slogan of a show.

Here's the segment of Stewart last night (who showed why despite his tremendous qualities that he is still a comedian first before even being a real muckraking journalist by letting Brown go unchallenged on her ridiculous labeling of Olbermann) for those who may not have seen it yet:

Unlike some people who championed Brown around here for her interview with Tucker Bounds, or her "calling out" of the McCain campaign over the lack of interviews for Sarah Palin, or her taking offense on the position of "So what if Obama was a Muslim", I have always thought of her (like most around here) as another cliche, corporate media mouthpiece who doesn't know an actual damn thing about real "truthful" journalism (or how to actually partake in it), and is desperate for much needed ratings against "Loofah man" and Keith.

The great diary of rak212's last night showed how Brown is all talk but doesn't even come close to walking the walk, exposing her terrible reporting in her commentary column she does now weekly on neo-CNN's website. She repeated the untrue story and (worst) wrongly reported piece of Obama breaking his promise on "campaign financing" with John McCain. Only that he never promised McCain, he offered:
One year ago, he made a promise. He pledged to accept public financing and to work with the Republican nominee to ensure that they both operated within those limits.

Then it became clear to Sen. Obama and his campaign that he was going to be able to raise on his own far more cash than he would get with public financing. So Obama went back on his word.

Rak212 thankfully showed why she, and many other "journalists", have gotten this painfully wrong, and still do:
And most importantly, get your FACTS straight. An offer is not a "promise" and when you say Barack Obama broke a promise, you paint him as a liar, which is untrue..

The distinction is so critical to make between an "offer" and a "promise". Yet, here is Ms."No Bias, No Bull" doing the sloppy journalism that she, and her new home, are known for nowadays.

This stupidity by Brown there (sorry if I'm harsh but I must be), and then her gall to label Olbermann as a virtual partisan hack on purpose is indeed low roll stuff from a network desperate to still have the people believe "They are the most trusted name in news" like they used to be a LONG, LONG, LONG time ago.

And it is even more of a compulsive stretch for needed attention from
the wife of Republican taking head of lies Dan Senor. Brown is a journalist who, though I believe her heart to do decent reporting is actually there unlike Lou Dobbs, still is overtly naive to believing that her journalism is the best journalism.

Unlike Screwy Lou, who knows fully well that he is dishonest for a reason to cause trouble (as well as the ratings driven Wolf Blitzer, John Roberts, and even Anderson Cooper's of the world who are apart of the "Close election" brigade of fake equivalency reporting), I believe (or foolishly hope) that Brown is just not knowledgeable enough to know that her reporting is not the reporting that is needed in journalism right now.

(I mean sometimes, she just asks some of the dumbest questions, annoying interrupts an interviewer too frequently, and who could forget her analysis on the floor at the 2004 DNC while she was on NBC).

In fact, since CNN is feeling heavy pressure from MSNBC immensely thanks to Olbermann and now Maddow, they are trying their damn hardest to discredit Keith and Rachel. You saw last week with how a Larry King's spokesperson was pissed off because of the Nielsen numbers showing Rachel beating "The Master", as "Snap Poll" hating John King so ridiculously calls him.
Ryan Jimenez, a spokesman for “Larry King Live,” said in a statement that the shows couldn’t be more different: “While our competitors have moved to partisan extremes, we continue landing the biggest guests because we embrace the vast middle and have a wider appeal,” he said.

And you see it in Brown's comments on Stewart last night, basically implying that Olbermann is distorting the truth and leading you away from the real news.

It's disgusting.

It is so low road from her and neo-CNN, where only Jack Cafferty, Roland Martin, Christine Annapour and, at times, Jeffrey Tobin, hold up to the network's traditional standards of journalism/commentary that is actually real and true.

I don't know if Keith will even waste his time with firing back at Brown for her incongruous comments. Why give a small fray competitor attention when she is desperate for ratings? (And that has never been the case in regards to Olbermann and Loofah boy in my personal opinion, because Keith still reports the news without even crying out about how many dummies watch O'Fool over him.)

And I don't know if even you will waste your time with this diary. But all I can say is that I will certainly jump for joy tonight, and laugh my behind off, if I see Campbell Brown apart of the Worst Persons in the World tonight.

And if I helped in contributing to that, then I will certainly be even more content about watching how great "Countdown" is for news television, and this country.

The Agenda's Pending Schedule will come up in the comments section, as usual.


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