The Ugly of America, Part 4: Actress in "W" Movie in Critical Condition

From Relikx over at the Kos, utterly disturbing.
Little Rock TV anchorwoman Anne Pressly, who plays Ann Coulter in Oliver Stone's new movie W., was left in critical condition after beaten and stabbed in her home sometime late Sunday.

Pressly may not have been stabbed after all, but the beating was severe enough to tear skin. Her injuries include blunt force trauma per the Arkansas Times Blog.

Also noted is a message left on her Facebook account at 9:51 "thanking those who went to see her 30 second part in the movie 'W.'

So when will The President speak about this, huh? When will the administration speak about this, huh? When will they up and by leaders, and adjust the terrors domestically?

Will they have the courage too address all this ugliness that we are seeing in this country right now? All this hate, bitterness, and violence?

I'm depressingly not holding my breath. My deep prayers go out to her, and for anybody, male or female, beaten viciously like Pressly was.


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