10/27/08: TWD's Agenda For The Day: The Ugly of America, Part 5: The Fight Aganist Voter Suppression From The SOP

It is indeed ugly, how the Department of Justice has become "Conservative Republican cronies" for a pathetic desperate party obsessed with supremacy and never willing to abdicate the power that the people of this nation don't want them to have.

They will try anything, and do anything, to literally defraud the people of this nation for their own means. It is un-American, un-Democratic, and un-humane from those in the party who preach about "Country First" an "We will protect you at all cost."

Instead, it is their own selfish butts who place themselves before anyone because they don't give a real damn about others. Lacking any altruistic quality, it is all about "them", and only "them."

Today, from the post of Daily Kos' front page writer georgia10, she writes exactly how egregious and horrible this administration is, and how the Sad Obnoxious Party will go to any means necessary to do their dirty deeds:
But the rules have meant little to this President and his party, who have politicized nearly every nook and cranny of the federal government. If the last eight years of Republican government have proven anything, it is that when these Republicans are in positions of public trust, they will use their power almost exclusively to retain that power. And because of that, "I'm from the DOJ, and I'm here to help" are the sweetest words for a Republican Party desperate to suppress new voter turnout in this change election.

Readers of The Whole Delivery, understand that this election runs even deeper than "Will America vote for the first black president?"
It is an election fully analyzing how the Republican Party, especially the extremely radical conservatives (as in this administration and the nuts on certain broadcast and cable channels) have literally screwed this nation on purpose, thinking that "you don't care whether you fully know or not."

When they talk about "too much power" and "not enough balance" in a potential filibuster proof Democratic chamber (like Bush smug mouthpiece David Frum, who has long ago given up hopes on McCain and Palin), they do that because they know that you know (or starting to know) how they haven't cared about "you and me". That "You and me" is broad electorate of the country, the ones who have a 70 to 80% disapproval rating with this administration for the last 3 years. That "you and me" that has gotten their party so nervous that this could be the end of its genetic makeup for a long, long time (and maybe, forever).

Because this party hasn't been this bad (in terms of national popularity) since Richard Nixon's shame, you are now hearing from Frum the argument of "one party" equals too much power. When you hear that from him and any other members of the party who try to play this asinine "moderate" role when they are about as "moderate" as Seth MacFarlene's shows are for PBS or Steve Carell is a thug, remember this:

This current administration and its party had control of the executive branches and both houses of Congress for six years. 6 years.

And look what happened?

It is a last ditch, try anything to scare voters away from what they know and can clearly see. People are angry with the SOP and their divisive, ugly aspersions and downright filth. And they are also angry because they (well, in particular, the Cheney Administration and the neo-cons) have caused the gridlock in Congress (as well as both Nancy Pelosi, Henry Reid, and those type of Democrats who keep shooting themselves in the foot for not even pursuing if Bush violated laws for misleading the United States of America into an unjust war).

This voter suppression movement isn't only targeting Obama-Biden, but it is also for all the Democrats in break neck tight races in their states for positions in Congress and all over. The ones that could really make progressive bills get past and make hings a hell of a lot easier for the Obama-Biden ticket.

Still, when you read these must read Kos "diaries" of Liz Arnettand Verbalobe (via CNN) about shameful, mean, and sneaky as hell voter suppression going down right now in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and many more states that will be reported to you if you don't know, then you will see that the SOP still think they can' steal this election away from the country.

And a question to your happy television news media, outside of Olbermann and Maddow: Where is the 24 hour coverage of this? If you really care about the people "television media" (the Katie Courics, the David Gregories, the Wolf Blitzers, and the Anderson Coopers of the world), and reporting this vital piece of news to the people instead of your own narratives, then where is the coverage of the most salient characteristic of our Democratic process in this nation?

Oh that's right, because they don't really care for you, the citizens of this still supposedly great nation, either. Their amount of real, genuine attention for you is almost as low as the "depth of hell level" of apathy and true interest from the Sad Obnoxious Party and its disgusting individuals.

And this runs way deeper than both sides having their flaws. (Through, in terms of Obama and his campaign, the only even real legitimate problem one can even have with them, in terms of not being real with their full intentions, is the Illinois Senator's decision to vote for FISA in June, and he may justify that soon.)

TWD readers and others, this common, abhorrent practice from the Sad Obnoxious Party with its worst President and Presidential campaign in history shows how one side will literally push us into a bullet, and watch us take the bullet because of their cowardliness and inhumane love for their fellow citizen and human being not like them. And this all, primarily, for their own self-interest.

Despicable, to say the least. The Ugly of America comes right from the top, and onto the bottom.

(The Agenda's P.S. is in the comments section. Busy day today, including state previews and picks).


sluggahjells said…
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