10/28/08-TWD's Agenda For The Day: Fixed Propaganda Losing It By The Second
They are just losing it over there in Murdoch land.
First, they were the nonsense filter between Mark Fudge and the McShame campaign pushing the Ashley Todd story.
Then, after Fudgie posts that Obama "wanted to redistribute wealth" on his site, Fixed ran with the story. Not only a major distortion, but a total desperate lie. Media Matters led to movement of the real story going on:
On-screen text on Fox News echoed the Drudge Report in falsely claiming that Sen. Barack Obama said it is a "tragedy" that the Supreme Court has not addressed wealth redistribution. In fact, the "tragedy" Obama identified during the interview was in what he said was the civil rights movement's overreliance on the courts to pursue political and economic justice.
Finally, nutty nut anchor Megyn Kelly showed how crazy and angry she is when she talks to Bill Burton, Obama's spokesman, yesterday. Boy, was it something to see:
HAHAHAHA. I don't know what's more funny, her getting angry or her calling herself a "journalist."
Fixed Propaganda, so desperate, it is so funny to watch.
The Agenda's P.S. is in the comments section.
Update: From the brilliant Jed Lewison at 5PM on the Kos' front page, here is a perfect visual example of what I have expressed in this thread. As you can see, it is located at the top.
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