The Saturday Fun Thread For 9/11/10: The Luckiest Idiot This Week
Photo from Kris Kerr and CBSWell, after Terry Jones that is.....
One man didn't cower when he came face-to-face with a shark. He punched it!No one is as fortuitous as that guy.
Kris Kerr and his buddy Ethan Wilson were out near Florida's Smyrna Beach -- the shark bite capital of the world -- over the weekend.
Kerr was in the water taking photos of his friend surfing when he found himself facing a shark.
After some quick thinking he managed to punch the shark and snap a picture of the encounter.
In an exclusive interview on "The Early Show" Kerr said he "definitely was not expecting" to come home with a picture like that on his camera.
And an awesome, a fitting Onion classic for this day:
In what threatens to be an annual ritual, Rob Bachman, born Sept. 11, 1973, braced himself Tuesday for yet another birthday ruined by the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
"My birthday's gonna suck for the rest of my life," Bachman said on the eve of his 29th birthday. "Every year, I'm going to want to go out and have fun, but it's always going to be inappropriate in light of the meaning of this most tragic of days."
Anyway, bring in both Luda.......
....And De La Soul:
The Saturday Fun Thread folks.